Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Thinking: Be Careful how You Think: How your Thoughts can Help Determine your Destiny


Be Careful How You Think:

How your Thoughts can Help Determine your Destiny

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:8   King James Version 

The idea that your thoughts can influence and shape your destiny is a concept often associated with the fields of psychology, self-help, and personal development. While it may not be a universally accepted scientific theory, many people believe in the power of positive thinking and the impact of one's mindset on their life outcomes.

Here are some ways in which your thoughts can potentially determine your destiny:


1.    Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: This concept suggests that if you believe something strongly enough, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, if you believe you will fail at a task, you may not put in the effort required to succeed, and your belief becomes a reality.

2.   Positive Thinking: Maintaining a positive outlook can lead to more optimistic actions and choices, which can, in turn, lead to better outcomes. Optimistic individuals tend to be more resilient in the face of adversity and are more likely to persevere through challenges.

3.   Goal Setting: When you set clear, specific goals and visualize achieving them, your thoughts and actions become aligned toward those objectives. This focus on your goals can drive you to take the necessary steps to achieve them.

4.   Mindset and Behavior: Your thoughts and beliefs can influence your behaviors and decisions. For instance, if you believe in the importance of hard work and persistence, you are more likely to exhibit those behaviors, which can improve your chances of success.

5.   Emotional Resilience: Your thoughts play a crucial role in how you react to setbacks and failures. A resilient mindset can help you bounce back from adversity and continue pursuing your goals.

6.   Law of Attraction: Some proponents of the law of attraction argue that like attracts like. According to this belief, if you focus your thoughts on positive outcomes and success, the universe will bring those experiences into your life.

7.   Mental Health: Negative thought patterns, such as constant self-doubt and pessimism, can contribute to mental health issues like anxiety and depression, which can affect your overall well-being and life trajectory. Conversely, practicing positive thinking can promote better mental health.

It's important to note that while thoughts can influence your destiny, they are just one factor among many. External circumstances, opportunities, and actions also play significant roles in shaping your life outcomes. Additionally, not everything can be controlled through thought alone, and some events are beyond your control.

In summary, the idea that your thoughts determine your destiny emphasizes the importance of cultivating a positive and growth-oriented mindset, setting clear goals, and taking action toward achieving those goals. While it may not guarantee success in every endeavor, a positive mindset can contribute to a more fulfilling and successful life.


Let us analyze the chapter from Machiavelli's Prince about Fortune and how you have control over about fifty percent of what happens in your life.

Niccolò Machiavelli's "The Prince" is a classic work of political philosophy written in the 16th century. While the text primarily focuses on political leadership and strategy, some sections touch upon broader philosophical concepts, including the role of fortune in one's life.

In Chapter 25 of "The Prince," Machiavelli discusses the concept of fortune and how it interacts with human agency. He argues that fortune plays a significant role in human affairs, and there are elements of life that are beyond an individual's control. However, he also suggests that individuals have some degree of control over their fate, approximately fifty percent, through their actions and decisions.

Here are some key points from Chapter 25:

1.    Role of Fortune: Machiavelli acknowledges that fortune, or luck, can have a substantial impact on a person's life. He cites historical examples of leaders who, despite their wisdom and virtuous actions, faced unfavorable circumstances due to bad luck or external events beyond their control.

2.   Human Agency: While fortune can be capricious and unpredictable, Machiavelli argues that individuals can influence their destiny to some extent through their actions and decisions. He emphasizes the importance of virtuous qualities such as skill, prudence, and adaptability in dealing with the uncertainties of fortune.

3.   Balance of Control: Machiavelli's statement that individuals have control over about fifty percent of what happens in their lives suggests a balance between fate and agency. He contends that while fortune may determine some outcomes, individuals can still shape their destinies through their choices and strategic maneuvers.

4.   Pragmatism: Machiavelli's approach in "The Prince" is often characterized by pragmatism and a focus on achieving practical goals. He advises leaders to be flexible and willing to adapt their strategies in response to changing circumstances, rather than relying solely on fate or fixed principles.

It's important to note that Machiavelli's ideas are primarily geared toward political leadership and the pursuit of power, and his perspective can be considered somewhat cynical and utilitarian. While his views on fortune and agency offer insights into how individuals can navigate the complexities of life, they may not align with more idealistic or ethical philosophies.

In summary, Machiavelli's Chapter 25 in "The Prince" explores the interplay between fortune and human agency. He acknowledges the role of luck in life but emphasizes that individuals can exert a significant degree of control over their destinies through their actions, decisions, and adaptability. This perspective reflects his practical and pragmatic approach to political leadership and strategy.


Let us discuss how human thoughts enable and influence how individuals can exert a significant degree of control over their destinies through their actions, decisions, and adaptability following Machiavelli's Chapter 25 in "The Prince.


While Niccolò Machiavelli's "The Prince" primarily focuses on political leadership and strategy, one can draw a connection between his ideas in Chapter 25 regarding the role of human agency and how human thoughts enable individuals to exert control over their destinies. Here are some ways in which human thoughts play a crucial role in this process:

1.    Strategic Thinking: Machiavelli emphasizes the importance of strategic thinking and prudence in political leadership. Human thoughts, particularly the ability to analyze situations, anticipate consequences, and plan for the future, enable individuals to make informed decisions and navigate complex circumstances effectively.

2.   Adaptability: In "The Prince," Machiavelli suggests that successful leaders should be adaptable and willing to adjust their strategies as circumstances change. Human thoughts, including the capacity for critical thinking and problem-solving, empower individuals to recognize when adjustments are necessary and to formulate new plans accordingly.

3.   Decision-Making: Thoughtful decision-making is a central theme in Machiavelli's work. Human thoughts, influenced by factors such as values, ethics, and personal goals, guide individuals in making choices that align with their desired outcomes. These decisions can have a profound impact on one's destiny.

4.   Manipulation of Fortune: Machiavelli acknowledges that fortune plays a role in life, but he also suggests that individuals can manipulate fortune to some extent through their actions. Thoughtful planning and calculated risks can be used to create opportunities and mitigate the impact of adverse circumstances.

5.   Psychological Resilience: Human thoughts also influence psychological resilience, which is crucial when facing setbacks and adversity. A positive mindset, coupled with the belief in one's ability to overcome challenges, can empower individuals to persevere and shape their destinies despite obstacles.

6.   Learning from Experience: Human thoughts enable individuals to reflect on past experiences, both successes and failures, and extract valuable lessons. 

This capacity for introspection and learning from mistakes can inform future actions and contribute to personal growth and success.

7.   Self-Determination: While Machiavelli acknowledges the role of external factors, he also emphasizes the importance of self-determination. Human thoughts and the pursuit of one's goals and ambitions can drive individuals to take control of their destinies and shape their futures according to their desires.

It's important to note that Machiavelli's perspective in "The Prince" is primarily concerned with political leadership and power dynamics. 

However, the principles of agency, adaptability, and strategic thinking discussed in Chapter 25 can be applied more broadly to personal development and decision-making in various aspects of life. Human thoughts, coupled with deliberate actions, can indeed enable individuals to exert a significant degree of control over their destinies, just as Machiavelli suggests in his work.


Let's expand on how human thoughts enable individuals to exert control over their destinies through their actions, decisions, and adaptability, drawing from Machiavelli's ideas in "The Prince":


1.    Strategic Thinking and Planning: Human thoughts involve the ability to think strategically and plan for the future. According to Machiavelli's principles, individuals can analyze their current situations, assess potential outcomes, and formulate plans to achieve their goals. This strategic thinking allows them to exert control over their destiny by taking purposeful actions based on thoughtful consideration.

2.   Adaptability and Flexibility: Machiavelli emphasizes the importance of adaptability. Human thoughts enable individuals to recognize when circumstances change and to adapt their strategies accordingly. This flexibility is crucial because life is dynamic, and unexpected events can influence one's path. By adjusting their approaches, individuals can maintain a degree of control over their destinies, even in challenging situations.

3.   Decision-Making: Human thoughts influence decision-making processes. Individuals assess various options, weigh potential risks and benefits, and make choices that align with their desired outcomes. These decisions, whether in politics or personal life, have a significant impact on the trajectory of one's life. Conscious and well-informed decisions contribute to shaping one's destiny.

4.   Manipulating Fortune: Machiavelli's concept of manipulating fortune refers to individuals creating opportunities and mitigating risks. Human thoughts can lead to the development of strategies aimed at maximizing positive outcomes and minimizing negative ones. Through careful planning and calculated actions, individuals can influence events in their favor, thus asserting control over their destinies.

5.   Psychological Resilience: The way individuals think and perceive challenges greatly affects their ability to persevere. A resilient mindset, grounded in the belief that one can overcome adversity, enables individuals to navigate setbacks and continue pursuing their goals. This mental resilience is an essential component of shaping one's destiny in the face of adversity.

6.   Learning from Experience: Human thoughts encompass the capacity for introspection and learning from experience. Individuals can reflect on past successes and failures, extracting valuable lessons that inform their future actions. This process of self-improvement contributes to personal growth and empowers individuals to make more informed choices as they shape their destinies.

7.   Self-Determination: Machiavelli's idea of self-determination aligns with the concept that human thoughts drive individuals to take control of their destinies. When individuals are driven by their passions, ambitions, and personal goals, their thoughts and actions align in pursuit of these objectives. This determination allows them to carve out their desired path in life, irrespective of external factors.

In essence, human thoughts, when coupled with purposeful actions, decision-making, adaptability, and a resilient mindset, enable individuals to exert a significant degree of control over their destinies. While Machiavelli's context was political leadership, the underlying principles of agency and control apply to various aspects of life. By leveraging their cognitive abilities and making deliberate choices, individuals can navigate the complexities of fate and shape their futures according to their aspirations and desires.


Let's illustrate how human thoughts can enable individuals to exert control over their destinies through a practical example:

Scenario: Imagine an aspiring entrepreneur named Alex who dreams of starting a successful tech startup. Alex is heavily influenced by Machiavelli's principles of agency, adaptability, and strategic thinking.

1.    Strategic Thinking and Planning: Alex starts by thoroughly researching the tech industry, identifying market trends, and pinpointing potential opportunities. These cognitive processes help Alex develop a comprehensive business plan, outlining the startup's vision, mission, and strategies for growth. Alex's thoughts and strategic planning are instrumental in shaping the direction of the startup.

2.   Adaptability and Flexibility: As Alex begins the journey of entrepreneurship, challenges inevitably arise. Market conditions change, and unexpected hurdles emerge. However, Alex's capacity for adaptability, driven by thoughtful analysis and a willingness to adjust strategies, allows the startup to pivot when necessary. This adaptability ensures that the destiny of the business remains in Alex's control, despite external uncertainties.

3.   Decision-Making: Throughout the startup's growth, Alex is faced with numerous decisions, ranging from product development to financial management. These decisions are influenced by Alex's thoughtful consideration of available information, potential risks, and alignment with the long-term vision. By making well-informed decisions, Alex exercises control over the startup's destiny, steering it toward success.

4.   Manipulating Fortune: Alex understands that the startup's success is influenced by both internal actions and external factors. To manipulate fortune, Alex actively seeks out partnerships, networking opportunities, and funding sources. By strategically positioning the startup in the industry and mitigating risks, Alex increases the likelihood of favorable outcomes.

5.   Psychological Resilience: Entrepreneurship is often characterized by setbacks and failures. However, Alex's resilient mindset, built on the belief that challenges can be overcome through persistence and adaptability, enables Alex to persevere. Even in the face of setbacks, Alex remains committed to the startup's destiny and continues to work toward achieving it.

6.   Learning from Experience: As the startup progresses, Alex reflects on both successes and failures. For instance, a product launch that didn't meet expectations prompts a thorough post-mortem analysis. Alex learns valuable lessons about customer preferences and market dynamics, which inform future product development strategies. This process of learning and improvement is driven by Alex's capacity for introspection.

7.   Self-Determination: Alex's thoughts are constantly focused on the goal of building a successful tech startup. This self-determination fuels tireless effort and commitment. Alex's passion and ambition drive the startup forward, ensuring that the destiny of the business remains under Alex's control.

In this example, Alex's entrepreneurial journey exemplifies how human thoughts enable an individual to shape their destiny. Through strategic thinking, adaptability, informed decision-making, manipulation of fortune, psychological resilience, learning from experience, and self-determination, Alex exercises a significant degree of control over the destiny of the tech startup. While external factors may influence the journey, it is Alex's thoughts and actions that ultimately determine the course and outcome of the entrepreneurial endeavor.


Let us exemplify this discussion by adding a female character, Mary, to this analysis.


Certainly, let's expand the example to include Mary, a female entrepreneur, and see how both Alex and Mary's thoughts and actions enable them to exert control over their respective destinies in the context of their tech startup ventures.

Scenario: Alex and Mary are both aspiring entrepreneurs who dream of starting successful tech startups in the highly competitive tech industry. They embody the principles of agency, adaptability, and strategic thinking inspired by Machiavelli's ideas.

1.    Strategic Thinking and Planning:

·         Alex: Alex conducts thorough market research and identifies a gap in the market for a specific software solution. Alex's thoughts and strategic planning led to the creation of a detailed business plan.

·         Mary: Mary identifies a niche in the tech industry related to sustainable technology solutions. Mary's strategic thinking results in a comprehensive business strategy centered on eco-friendly tech products and services.

2.   Adaptability and Flexibility:

·         Alex: As market dynamics shift, Alex remains adaptable, pivoting the startup's product features to meet evolving customer demands.

·         Mary: Mary demonstrates adaptability by staying attuned to environmental concerns and regulations, and adjusting product offerings to align with changing sustainability trends.

3.   Decision-Making:

·         Alex: Alex faces critical decisions regarding product development, pricing, and market entry. Each decision is made after careful consideration and analysis, with the long-term vision in mind.

·         Mary: Mary makes decisions regarding partnerships with eco-conscious suppliers and strategic alliances with environmental organizations, all in alignment with the mission of the sustainable tech startup.

4.   Manipulating Fortune:

·         Alex: Alex actively seeks funding opportunities, connects with industry influencers, and builds a strong online presence, all designed to enhance the startup's visibility and success.

·         Mary: Mary leverages environmental policies and incentives to secure government grants and favorable loans, increasing the startup's financial stability and growth potential.

5.   Psychological Resilience:

·         Alex: When a major competitor enters the market, Alex maintains confidence in the startup's unique value proposition, demonstrating psychological resilience and perseverance.

·         Mary: In the face of skepticism about the viability of sustainable tech solutions, Mary maintains a strong belief in the startup's mission, inspiring the team to stay committed.

6.   Learning from Experience:

·         Alex: After a product launch that falls short of expectations, Alex conducts a detailed post-launch analysis, extracting valuable insights to inform future product iterations.

·         Mary: Mary learns from early prototypes that didn't meet eco-friendly standards, using these lessons to improve the startup's sustainable tech offerings.

7.   Self-Determination:

·         Alex: Alex's unwavering commitment and passion for the tech startup's success inspire the team to share the vision and work tirelessly toward achieving it.

·         Mary: Mary's dedication to environmental sustainability drives the team to develop innovative solutions that align with the startup's mission.

In this expanded example, both Alex and Mary exemplify how human thoughts and actions enable them to shape their destinies as tech startup entrepreneurs. 

Their strategic thinking, adaptability, decision-making, manipulation of fortune, psychological resilience, learning from experience, and self-determination play crucial roles in guiding their startups toward success, even in a competitive and dynamic industry. 

While external factors may influence their journeys, it is the combination of their thoughts and actions that ultimately determine the course and outcome of their entrepreneurial endeavors.


Let us say now that Alex and Mary are both entrepreneurs and want to create a start-up business.


Certainly, let's imagine a scenario where both Alex and Mary are entrepreneurs looking to create a startup business together. Their joint venture will illustrate how their collective thoughts and actions enable them to shape the destiny of their startup:


Scenario: Alex and Mary, both aspiring entrepreneurs with complementary skills and a shared vision, decide to join forces and create a tech startup together. Their startup aims to develop innovative software solutions for sustainable business practices.

1.    Shared Vision and Strategic Thinking:

·         Alex and Mary share a common vision of creating tech solutions that promote sustainability. Their shared thoughts and strategic thinking align with their startup's mission and objectives.

2.   Complementary Skills and Planning:

·         Alex brings technical expertise and experience in software development, while Mary excels in environmental sustainability and business development. Their diverse skills contribute to comprehensive business planning, ensuring that the startup is well-rounded from the outset.

3.   Adaptability and Flexibility:

·         The startup's leadership, represented by Alex and Mary, demonstrates adaptability by staying attuned to market trends in both technology and sustainability. They remain flexible in adjusting their strategies as needed.

4.   Collaborative Decision-Making:

·         Together, Alex and Mary make strategic decisions about product development, marketing, and partnerships. They leverage their combined knowledge and expertise to make informed choices that drive the startup forward.

5.   Leveraging Networks:

·         Alex and Mary tap into their respective networks to secure funding, attract top talent, and build valuable industry relationships. Their thoughts and actions expand the startup's reach and resources.

6.   Psychological Resilience:

·         As entrepreneurs, they both demonstrate psychological resilience when facing challenges, setbacks, or moments of uncertainty. Their mutual support and belief in their mission bolster their determination.

7.   Learning from Experience:

·         Both entrepreneurs actively learn from experiences, whether they are successes or failures. They analyze customer feedback, market responses, and product performance to continually improve their offerings.

8.   Collective Self-Determination:

·         Their collective self-determination is a driving force behind the startup's success. Alex and Mary's shared passion for sustainability and technology fuels their commitment to achieving their goals.

In this scenario, Alex and Mary, as co-founders of the startup, exemplify how their shared thoughts and actions enable them to shape the destiny of their business venture. Their collaboration, complementary skills, strategic thinking, adaptability, and shared commitment are key factors that contribute to the startup's success. 

While external factors may influence their journey, it is their collective vision and efforts that ultimately determine the course and outcome of their entrepreneurial endeavor.


Certainly, let's imagine that both Alex and Mary, who have experience in entrepreneurship and technology, are now interested in becoming commodity traders. Their transition into commodity trading will showcase how their thoughts and actions can shape their destinies in this new venture:

Scenario: Alex and Mary, former entrepreneurs with a background in technology, have decided to pursue careers as commodity traders. They are drawn to the dynamic world of commodity markets, where they believe their strategic thinking and adaptability will be valuable.

1.    Transition and Research:

·         Both Alex and Mary start by immersing themselves in the world of commodity trading. They read extensively, attend seminars, and learn from experienced traders to understand the intricacies of the market.

2.   Leveraging Entrepreneurial Skills:

·         Alex and Mary recognize that their entrepreneurial skills can be assets in commodity trading. Their ability to analyze trends, assess risks, and make informed decisions aligns with the demands of trading.

3.   Adaptability and Market Dynamics:

·         Commodity markets are known for their volatility. Alex and Mary's adaptability allows them to navigate changing market conditions, adjusting trading strategies to seize opportunities and mitigate risks.

4.   Decision-Making and Risk Management:

·         Both traders develop their decision-making processes and risk management strategies. They use their analytical skills to evaluate potential trades and employ risk mitigation techniques, such as stop-loss orders.

5.   Network Building:

·         Recognizing the importance of connections in the trading world, Alex and Mary actively build relationships with fellow traders, brokers, and experts in the commodity field. Their networking efforts open doors to valuable insights and opportunities.

6.   Psychological Resilience:

·         Commodity trading can be emotionally challenging due to the potential for significant financial fluctuations. Both Alex and Mary cultivate psychological resilience to maintain a disciplined and rational approach to trading.

7.   Learning from Experience:

·         As they gain experience in commodity trading, Alex and Mary review their trading performance regularly. They learn from both profitable and unprofitable trades, adjusting their strategies accordingly.

8.   Individual Self-Determination:

·         While they share a background in technology and entrepreneurship, Alex and Mary have individual motivations for becoming commodity traders. Their personal goals and aspirations drive their commitment to succeed in this new career path.

In this scenario, both Alex and Mary transition into commodity trading, leveraging their entrepreneurial backgrounds and thought processes. Their ability to adapt, make informed decisions, manage risks, and cultivate psychological resilience empowers them to shape their destinies as commodity traders. While external factors like market conditions will influence their trading outcomes, their actions and mindset play a significant role in determining their success in this new venture.


Let us say that they are also interested in having a building materials supply store for contractors and DIY home improvement.

Let's imagine that in addition to their interest in commodity trading, both Alex and Mary are also keen on establishing a building materials supply store catering to contractors and DIY home improvement enthusiasts. This dual venture will demonstrate how their thoughts and actions enable them to shape their destinies in the retail and construction industry:

Scenario: Alex and Mary, with backgrounds in technology and entrepreneurship, decide to start a building materials supply store to serve contractors and DIY home improvement enthusiasts.

1.    Market Research:

·         Both Alex and Mary conduct extensive market research to understand the needs and preferences of their target customers. They analyze the local construction and home improvement market to identify opportunities.

2.   Leveraging Business Expertise:

·         Their entrepreneurial skills come into play as they create a business plan, secure funding, and establish the necessary infrastructure for their supply store.

3.   Product Selection and Quality Assurance:

·         They carefully select a range of building materials and home improvement products, focusing on quality and value for money. They establish relationships with reputable suppliers to ensure product reliability.

4.   Customer-Centric Approach:

·         Recognizing the importance of customer satisfaction, Alex and Mary prioritize excellent customer service. They train their staff to provide expert advice and assistance to contractors and DIY enthusiasts.

5.   Adaptability and Inventory Management:

·         As market demands fluctuate, they demonstrate adaptability by adjusting their inventory to accommodate seasonal changes and evolving customer preferences.

6.   Community Engagement:

·         Alex and Mary actively engage with the local community, sponsoring workshops and events to promote DIY home improvement and establish their store as a trusted resource.

7.   Psychological Resilience:

·         Managing a retail business can be challenging. Alex and Mary's psychological resilience helps them weather setbacks and setbacks, such as inventory shortages or unexpected costs.

8.   Learning from Experience:

·         As they gain experience in the building materials supply industry, Alex and Mary continually learn from their business operations. They use customer feedback and sales data to refine their product selection and service offerings.

9.   Individual Self-Determination:

·         While they have a shared vision for the supply store, Alex and Mary each bring their unique perspective and motivation to the business. Their aspirations drive their commitment to its success.

In this scenario, Alex and Mary diversify their entrepreneurial pursuits by establishing a building materials supply store. 

Their strategic approach, adaptability, commitment to customer satisfaction, and continuous learning enable them to shape the destiny of their retail venture in the construction and home improvement industry. While external factors, such as market competition, will influence their store's performance, their actions and entrepreneurial mindset play a crucial role in determining its success.

Let us make this situation more interesting. Let us take the case of Robert Edward, a spoiled but intelligent fellow who did graduate from college with a liberal arts degree that did him very little good. 

He became a wastrel for a while and this angered his businessman father who had to be cruel to be kind, give his son some tough love, and disown him before Robert Edward ran his life into the ground by forcing his son to worry about survival. 

At first, Robert Edward indulged in self-pity and got drunk a few times. 

Then finding himself forced to think about his life, Robert Edward got a copy of Machiavelli's Prince and was bored reading it until he came across chapter 25 on Fortune. This discovery excited him.

He had always relied on Daddy to bail him out of trouble and do his thinking for him. But here, it is said that a human being has agency and some degree of power over the role of fortune in his own life. 

He realized that his overdependence on his father was long due to be extinguished and that there were some things that he could do for himself. He had a hard time finding work until he got a job at Home Depot as a hardware sales associate. He was bored with his job but he had to do something so he did his best to carry out his assignments.


Meanwhile, he rented a room at the house of his aunt so he went there. He traveled by bus to get around. He also got on a diet and walked a lot to reduce his fat. Slowly he realized that he could do some things for himself if he used his thinking properly.


Eventually, his father saw that Robert Edward was beginning to pull his weight and had matured and approached his son. At first, Robert Edward was sore with Dad over having been disowned by gradually realized that this was done out of love and not to hurt him. He came around.


The transformation of Robert Edward from a spoiled and dependent individual into a self-reliant and responsible person is a remarkable journey of personal growth and maturity. His realization of the power of agency, influenced by reading Machiavelli's "The Prince," played a pivotal role in reshaping his destiny. Here's a breakdown of his journey:


1.    Initial Struggles and Self-Pity:


·         After being disowned by his father, Robert Edward initially indulged in self-pity and escapism through drinking. This period of recklessness demonstrated his vulnerability and lack of direction.


2.   Discovery of Machiavelli's "The Prince":

·         Robert Edward stumbled upon Chapter 25 of "The Prince" by Machiavelli, which discusses the concept of human agency and the role of fortune in one's life. This chapter resonated with him, inspiring a shift in his perspective.


3.   Realization of Personal Agency:

·         Robert Edward had always relied on his father's support, but Chapter 25's message empowered him to recognize that he could take control of his own life. This realization marked the beginning of his transformation.


4.   Seeking Employment and Self-Sufficiency:

·         He actively sought employment and secured a job at Home Depot, working as a hardware sales associate. Although he found the job initially boring, he understood the importance of self-sufficiency and financial independence.


5.   Personal Development and Health Improvement:

·         Robert Edward's commitment to change extended beyond his career. He embarked on a journey to improve his physical health by adopting a healthier diet and incorporating regular exercise into his routine, which included walking.


6.   Self-Initiated Lifestyle Changes:

·         He made practical lifestyle changes, such as using public transportation and renting a room at his aunt's house. These choices demonstrated his growing ability to manage his life independently.


7.   Acceptance of Tough Love:


·         While initially sore about being disowned by his father, Robert Edward eventually understood that it was an act of "tough love." He recognized that his father's decision was made out of concern for his growth and maturity.


8.   Reconciliation with Father:


·         Robert Edward's efforts to become self-sufficient and responsible caught his father's attention. His father saw the positive changes in his son and approached him to reconcile. Robert Edward, now mature and self-reliant, was open to rebuilding their relationship.



In this scenario, Robert Edward's journey from dependency to self-sufficiency illustrates the transformative power of recognizing one's agency and taking control of one's destiny. 

His newfound ability to make decisions, seek employment, and manage his life independently ultimately led to personal growth and reconciliation with his father. Machiavelli's writings on human agency played a significant role in inspiring this positive change in Robert Edward's life.


Let us now look at a smart but sore dude named Adolfo.


He had a job at an office as a programmer that he was good at. He liked the women in the office but none of them gave him the time of day. They regarded themselves as above him. He felt bad about this since his male coworkers managed to get dates with these women. He felt despondent for a while. But he came across Machiavelli's prince and devoured his teachings.


Instead of Robert Edward who used the book's message to better himself and grow up, Adolfo decided to get even. He began to invest in the company's bonds and acquired a rather large amount. He had also read of how one of the Rothschild brothers had in which he had vested a certain amount of capital in buying the bonds of the City of Paris. Then had dumped the bonds he had bought.


When several Parisians had also dumped their bonds, Rothschild then repurchased them at a huge discount. He now had a huge amount of power over the city that once had looked down upon him and those who had snubbed him now had to bow down to him.


Well, Adolfo did the same with this company and acquired a huge amount of power over it and its employees. He quit his job there so there would be no conflict of interest but now his will was quite enhanced.


Adolfo's journey takes a different turn as he uses Machiavelli's teachings in "The Prince" to seek power and revenge, rather than personal growth and maturity. His actions reflect a more Machiavellian and strategic approach to life. Here's a breakdown of Adolfo's transformation:

1.   Initial Frustration and Despondency:

·         Adolfo's frustration and feelings of inadequacy at the office, particularly regarding his interactions with female coworkers, led to despondency. He felt marginalized and disrespected.


2.  Discovery of Machiavelli's "The Prince":

·         Coming across "The Prince," Adolfo was captivated by its teachings, particularly those related to the acquisition and exercise of power. Instead of using these insights for personal development, he saw an opportunity for revenge and empowerment.


3.   Strategic Financial Investments:

·         Adolfo decided to invest in the company's bonds, aiming to gain financial leverage over the company. He followed the example of the Rothschild brothers, who had famously manipulated bond markets to their advantage.


4.   Accumulation of Financial Power:

·         As he acquired a significant number of the company's bonds, Adolfo gained considerable influence over the company's financial stability and decision-making.

5.   Exercising Power and Control:

·         With his newfound financial power, Adolfo strategically exercised control over the company, making key decisions and exerting influence over employees.


6.   Resignation from the Company:


·         To avoid any conflict of interest and fully concentrate on his pursuit of power, Adolfo chose to resign from his programming job at the company.


7.   Enhanced Will and Empowerment:


·         Adolfo's actions granted him a sense of empowerment and control over the people and environment that had once looked down upon him. His will to influence and manipulate the situation was significantly enhanced.

Adolfo's approach is Machiavellian in nature, focused on achieving power and revenge rather than personal growth or reconciliation. While his actions may result in short-term gains in terms of control and influence, they also raise ethical questions about the means employed to achieve his goals and the potential consequences of his actions. Additionally, his pursuit of power through financial manipulation may come at the expense of ethical considerations and the well-being of others.

The cautionary lessons derived from Adolfo's story are indeed valuable and can be applied to various aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships and decision-making. Let's delve deeper into these lessons:

1.    No Insignificant Enemy:


·         Benjamin Franklin's quote, "There is no insignificant enemy small enough to overlook, to dismiss," underscores the importance of treating others with respect and fairness, regardless of their current status or position. Dismissing or mistreating someone, even if they seem insignificant at the moment, can lead to unforeseen consequences. It's a reminder to practice empathy and consider the potential long-term effects of our actions.


2.   Beware of Provocation:


·         The quote from the Asian movie based on Genghis Khan's life, "Be careful of the cub you are kicking around. One day, that cub will grow to become a powerful tiger," serves as a warning against provoking or mistreating individuals who may be vulnerable or weaker in a given situation. Such actions can lead to resentment and a desire for revenge. It highlights the importance of fairness, empathy, and ethical conduct in all interactions.


These lessons emphasize the significance of treating others with respect, kindness, and fairness, regardless of their current circumstances or status. It's a reminder that the dynamics of power and vulnerability can change over time, and those who are mistreated or overlooked may eventually gain the upper hand. By practicing empathy and ethical behavior, we can foster positive relationships and avoid potential negative consequences in the future.

Indeed, the contrast between Adolfo's snobbish coworkers and Robert Edward's father's tough love highlights the different motivations and outcomes of their actions:

Adolfo's Snobbish Coworkers:

1.    Mistreatment and Disregard: Adolfo's coworkers mistreated him and regarded themselves as superior, leading to a hostile work environment. Their actions were driven by snobbery and a sense of superiority, and they dismissed Adolfo as insignificant.

2.   Retribution: Adolfo, influenced by Machiavellian principles, sought retribution and used strategic financial manipulation to gain power over his coworkers and the company. His actions were motivated by revenge and a desire to exert control over those who had mistreated him.

3.   Negative Consequences: While Adolfo achieved his goal of gaining power, his actions may have ethical and long-term consequences. Manipulating bond markets and seeking revenge can harm others and damage relationships. This approach may lead to short-term gains but may not result in lasting fulfillment.

Robert Edward's Father's Tough Love:

1.    Disownment for Growth: Robert Edward's father disowned him as an act of tough love, to force his son to take responsibility for his life and grow up. The motivation was to help Robert Edward become a better version of himself and develop into a responsible adult.

2.   Positive Outcomes: Robert Edward, influenced by his father's tough love and inspired by Machiavelli's teachings, chose a path of personal growth and maturity. His actions were geared toward self-improvement, independence, and reconciliation with his father.

3.   Reconciliation and Growth: In the end, Robert Edward's journey led to positive outcomes. He matured, became self-sufficient, and mended his relationship with his father. Tough love, in this case, was a catalyst for personal growth and a better future.

These contrasting examples highlight the importance of motivation behind actions. Adolfo's coworkers' mistreatment and Adolfo's quest for revenge were driven by negative motives and led to a cycle of negativity.

On the other hand, Robert Edward's father's tough love was motivated by genuine concern and a desire for his son's growth, resulting in positive personal development and reconciliation. It underscores the impact of intentions and motivations on the outcomes of actions and relationships.


Let us now do a postmortem on both of these stories and how they can be traced back to how one thinks and to be careful with the thoughts that one gives one's mind over to.


In the case of Robert Edward, I got disowned and I have to find a way to survive. Let me see what I can do. I am mighty angry at my dad but right now, I can't afford to worry about that. I have to do something to survive. Let me see how I can think this issue through. That was Robert Edward's thinking. He realized that the old way of thinking had sunk him badly and that he needed to get himself out of the pit.


Meanwhile, Adolfo thought this way. I am making a decent salary, I have a car, I have a nice apartment in a nice neighborhood. But those folks at work, look down on me as if I were a lesser breed of human than themselves. I will have to teach them a lesson and show them not to mess with me or kick me around. I will show them who the boss is.


The postmortem of these two stories highlights the profound impact of one's thoughts and mindset on the outcomes of their actions and their overall life journey. It underscores the importance of being mindful of the thoughts we entertain and the choices we make based on those thoughts.

Robert Edward's Journey:

Robert Edward's transformation can be attributed to a shift in his thought process and mindset:

1.    Change in Perspective: After being disowned, Robert Edward chose to change his perspective. He acknowledged that dwelling on anger and self-pity wouldn't help him survive. This shift in thinking was the catalyst for his personal growth.


2.   Taking Responsibility: Robert Edward accepted responsibility for his life and decided to take proactive steps to improve his situation. His thoughts focused on self-improvement and self-sufficiency.


3.   Reevaluation of Priorities: He recognized that his previous way of thinking had contributed to his downfall. This realization prompted him to reevaluate his priorities and make more constructive choices.


4.   Positive Actions: Robert Edward's new thought process led to positive actions, including seeking employment, improving his health, and working on his personal development.



5.   Reconciliation: Ultimately, he reconciled with his father, highlighting the power of growth and personal change that can come from a shift in one's mindset.


Adolfo's Journey:

Adolfo's story, on the other hand, illustrates the consequences of negative and revenge-driven thinking:

1.    Entertaining Resentment: Adolfo's initial thoughts were consumed by resentment and a desire for revenge against his coworkers. This mindset fueled his actions.


2.   Manipulation and Revenge: His thoughts drove him to manipulate financial markets to gain power over those he felt had wronged him. His actions were guided by a desire for revenge rather than personal growth.


3.   Short-Term Gains, Long-Term Consequences: While he achieved his immediate goal of gaining power, Adolfo's actions may have long-term consequences in terms of ethics, relationships, and personal fulfillment.


4.   Negative Thought Patterns: Adolfo's thought patterns were consumed by negative emotions and a desire for retribution, leading to a cycle of negativity.


In both cases, the stories highlight the pivotal role of thoughts and mindset in shaping one's destiny. Robert Edward's shift toward positive and constructive thinking led to personal growth and reconciliation. 

Adolfo's negative and revenge-driven thoughts resulted in a short-term victory but raised ethical concerns and potential future complications.

These stories serve as reminders of the power of thought and the importance of cultivating a mindset that promotes personal growth, empathy, and positive actions. It underscores the wisdom in being careful with the thoughts we entertain, as they can significantly influence the trajectory of our lives and the impact we have on others.


Let us pretend that Robert Edward's dad was a friend of the CEO of the company where Adolfo worked. Let us say this is before Adolfo began his quest for revenge.


Let us say that Robert Edward while still working at Home Depot took courses in programming which his dad agreed to pay for since Robert Edward had by now changed into someone more mature and adult and had repaired the relationship with his now proud dad.


Robert Edward was now working side by side with Adolfo and noticed the attitude of the snobbish coworkers toward them both. Adolfo bitterly complained of these folks to Robert Edward. Robert Edward replied that he disapproved of the attitude that both he and Adolfo were subjected to but he had more important things to concern himself with than a bunch of ill-mannered co-workers with bad attitudes.


He later learned of Adolfo's plan for revenge and tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to concern himself with better intentions for his good.


He tried to tell Adolfo that what went around, often eventually would come back to bite him in the ass when he least expected. He told him that he didn't like these guys and women who worked and looked down on both of them but that there were 4 billion women on this planet and that these women although visible and tangible to see, were only a very tiny minority of folks.


He should take his mind off these women at work and travel and get a better woman overseas with a more traditional attitude toward men. He also told him not to seek a lover at work.


You don't want to defecate where you eat. Don't mix business with personal matters.


Bad idea.

Adolfo continued on his revenge-bent quest.


Eventually, Robert Edward was promoted out of his job and took a job elsewhere. He emigrated to a foreign country in Asia and married a beautiful and sweet woman there who almost worshipped him as her husband.


Adolfo unfortunately ended up with some of these women as lovers and his relationships with them all soured.


He lost his fortune later on in an economic downturn and had to flee to a distant state and town where he was unknown to begin again.


The continuation of Robert Edward and Adolfo's stories further illustrates the consequences of their respective attitudes and choices, as well as the importance of their thought processes:

Robert Edward's Journey:


1.    Positive Transformation: Robert Edward's transformation into a more mature and responsible individual continued as he pursued further education and improved his relationship with his father. He also gained a broader perspective on life.


2.   Empathy and Advice: Robert Edward demonstrated empathy toward Adolfo, who was facing mistreatment at work. He tried to offer his friend advice and steer him away from thoughts of revenge.


3.   Promotion and New Beginnings: Robert Edward's personal growth and dedication to self-improvement led to a promotion and an opportunity to work elsewhere. He chose to emigrate to Asia, where he found love and fulfillment in a new cultural context.


4.   Marriage and Happiness: His marriage to a supportive and loving woman marked a positive turn in his life, reflecting the importance of making choices based on better intentions and a positive mindset.


Adolfo's Journey:

1.    Revenge and Negative Intentions: Despite Robert Edward's efforts to dissuade him, Adolfo remained focused on revenge and negative intentions. His obsession with settling scores at work consumed him.


2.   Failed Relationships: Adolfo's pursuit of relationships with his coworkers, driven by his revenge-driven mindset, resulted in sour and troubled relationships. Mixing personal matters with work had negative consequences.


3.   Financial Loss and Relocation: His investment strategies, coupled with economic downturns, led to significant financial losses. To escape the consequences, he had to start over in a distant and unfamiliar location.


These developments in their stories underscore the importance of attitude, mindset, and the consequences of one's choices.

Robert Edward's ability to let go of grudges, seek personal growth, and embrace new opportunities ultimately led to happiness and fulfillment.

In contrast, Adolfo's vengeful mindset and obsession with settling scores had negative repercussions on his personal and financial life.

The advice given by Robert Edward about not seeking personal relationships at work and the importance of avoiding negative intentions serves as a valuable lesson.

It highlights the wisdom in focusing on personal growth, maintaining a positive mindset, and seeking better intentions in both personal and professional endeavors.

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