Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Mirror Censored a Comment I made Regarding Sex Robots

An alternative to natural men/women relationships will be a disaster. Why? Let's look at the mind thoughts of a prostitute who would lie down with a man who pays for sex with her? "Man, what is wrong with you - you have to pay for sex?" In the unconscious mind of that John, that same thought is going on. "What is wrong with me - I have to pay for my sexual needs?" Inside that man's mind, deep inside his unconscious, this is what he's thinking: what is wrong with me - I have to have sex with a machine instead of with a woman? Is this what it has reduced me to? Am I so defective that no woman will want me for herself to where I've had to get a machine for my relationship and sex needs? Why am I so pathetic? Inside the human mind, that's the conflict that will develop. That man's self-esteem will erode. I once was a very depressed man in my twenties and had considered getting a sex doll. Fortunately, I also was getting counseling, and the therapist posed that scenario about my self-esteem turning to crap if I resorted to such an extreme, unnatural measure. I'm glad that I rejected it before I went that far. Today, the notion of my going down that path is literally unthinkable. I thank God for that. In Response to: