Friday, September 22, 2023

Motivation - If others Can Triumph, if I Can Triumph, You can Triumph

          If others Can Triumph,  

               if I Can Triumph,                

       You Too Can Triumph

I remember when I went to an awards ceremony at age 18 on the eve of my high school graduation. I had been a very mediocre student until I reached the 12th grade. Then I made a herculean effort to improve and won two trophies for the effort, one was the Golden Book Award and the other was the Most Improved Student Award.

For that ceremony, my parents had invited about 11 guests to witness it. Videos were shot of me receiving those awards by a cousin of mine. While I received the attention that in some ways freaked me out, I felt super gratified. I guess that was a happy and positive way to do it.

Although many people seek validation through negative or harmful means, striving for genuine personal growth and achieving recognition based on merit, as demonstrated by one's transformative journey from mediocrity to excellence during their academic year, can lead to profound self-satisfaction and increased motivation for future endeavors.

This argument is supported by premises such as the powerful impact of external validation on self-worth, the motivating role of positive reinforcement, the lasting impression of transformative experiences, and the importance of genuine effort.

This concludes with the assertion that genuine achievements, especially those backed by hard work and personal growth, provide the most profound and lasting sense of validation and pride.

This conclusion is drawn because of factors like the innate human desire for recognition, the psychological impact of external affirmation, the societal value placed on merit-based achievements, and the emotional satisfaction derived from personal growth.

Drawing from my personal journey of overcoming a history of mediocrity in academics and years of self-rejection, I aim to inspire individuals, particularly those who possess average to high intelligence yet doubt their capabilities, to undertake at least one significant project in their lifetime. I believe that with commitment and effort, transformative experiences are attainable.

By sharing my story, I challenge others to embark on endeavors that will not only prove their worth to themselves but also allow them to reflect later in life with pride and fulfillment, knowing they accomplished something truly valuable.

The personal transformation of one is not just about societal recognition or tangible rewards. It's a deep, introspective journey where we confront our self-doubts, challenge our preconceived limitations, and emerge stronger, more self-aware, and genuinely proud.

My experience in my senior year of high school is a testament to the boundless potential that lies within all of us, waiting to be tapped into. Every individual, regardless of their past performances or self-perceived inadequacies, has the capability to push boundaries and achieve greatness. 

I urge each one of you not to let past failures or doubts dictate your future. Instead, embrace the challenge of undertaking a significant project or goal.

Allow yourself to be driven by passion, commitment, and the desire to prove your worth to yourself. When you look back years from now, it will be these moments of determination and achievement that will stand out, painting a life rich with purpose and self-fulfillment.

By now, you can probably tell that personal transformation is not just a solitary journey, but one that often intertwines with the belief and support of others, be it friends, family, or a higher power.

My experience during my senior year is not just a story of individual grit, but also of the silent heroes who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. If finding motivation within yourself proves challenging, look outside.

Do it for that teacher, friend, or family member who never gave up on you, who saw a spark even when it was dim.

And for those who find solace and purpose in faith, remember the Divine that created you in His Image and Likeness. Your journey, with all its challenges and achievements, is a testament to that divine creation.

Embrace a challenge not just for self-growth, but as a thanksgiving to the God who envisioned you. Let every hurdle you overcome and every peak you reach be your ode to them, a way to honor their faith in you.

Your success story is not just yours alone; it's a melody of all the voices who whispered courage into your heart.

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