Sunday, July 7, 2019

Christian: Contemplating the Shared Life of Roberto Fiad

I have suffered from existential vacuums throughout many years of my life. I wondered if my life could have been a mistake. Many things I aspired to didn’t work out as expected. And at other times, when I did succeed in achieving some goal, I later wondered, “Is this it, and is this I struggled for so hard?”

Other times, I simply lacked purpose.

This morning, halfway through this year, more than half of my year in life as a sixty-year-old man, the cure to all this purposelessness came. It helped that last night; I saw a video on YouTube that truly shed lots of good light.

The narrator of the video said that whatever you aspire to, whether it’s to embark on some great project or a relationship on someone, putting God first is the first order of business. But then he, the narrator, went further and explained what it was all about.

You’re not going to give up on some dreamed thing you aspire to. It isn’t like that – that putting God first is about. NO.

Instead, you pray that this thing you want be something you will receive and participate in – that it be for the glory of God, not just your pleasure, or enjoyment, or you getting actualized in Life. Whatever good thing comes out of your getting what you seek, make it all about what you’re getting this – which all this be about God being glorified by your receiving, you’re succeeding, and you’re getting what you’ve been seeking.

What does the above have to do with my life then?

It applies perfectly.

If I make my life all about me alone, then my life will have been lived and then it will just end. I will have been just another human who came, walked on the Earth for a while, and then just died away. Was here, then gone. No purpose, no mission, no significance, no worth.

So what if my whole life rather than just a period of time on the Earth for a while, a long, long while, or a shorter one, make that one life count. Make this whole journey called my life, the life of this one guy, this one man - let it be not just the life of this one dude. No. Make it, instead, the shared life.

Let the life I live, let this life be both God’s Life and my life, the shared life. Let it be a life lived to the glory of God. That means this life means. It signifies something; it stands for something bigger than just one guy walking the earth. It, the life I live, it is a shared life, a shared partnership between the Most High God and this one dude. It is a life that glorifies Him, satisfies Him mainly that this project that he took on, is more than just one man living on the Earth for a number of years, and then he just dies.


This is the golden opportunity to upgrade the meaning of it. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just a kid, a teenager, a person in your twenties, in your midlife period, in your fifties, or sixties, or even eighties or nineties.

It doesn’t matter! As long as you’re still alive, it’s never too late to hitch your life to God and make your regular life a shared partnership between the Most High God, the Almighty Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and you.

You’ll be plugging into God through Jesus Christ. And when this happens, your otherwise, possibly insignificant and misunderstood life will take on a purpose beyond anything beyond whatever you could ever expect it to result into.