Imagine how much priceless information I could get with a device like that.
I could go into the future and learn the set of numbers that I should select in the present for winning a $100 Million Dollar Jackpot.
I could also ace every history test I could take by witnessing the big events personally.
Imagine if I could go back in time to the see Jesus Christ with mine own eyes and come back and describe Him perfectly.
Yes, having a time machine that actually worked would give me countless huge advantages off limits to everybody else.
And then, being the curious Christian that I am, I could satisfy a major point that I've been pondering for some time. You see? It's like this:
Most atheists and agnostics tend to attribute their inability to believe in God, a personal person, a faithful companion, to their inability to see him with their own eyes.
Here's where the time machine comes in.
I'd like to run a survey of people in a big city but not now, rather, I'd go back to a time shortly before the invention of the microscope. I'd ask them if they believe that germs exist.
I liken the atheist's and the agnostic's inability to believe in God to the possible inabiity of common people to believe in the existence of germs during a time in which these critters just weren't visible to peoples' eyes because the technology, the microscope, to see them with, wasn't around yet.
I wonder how many of those people who would have said that microscopic beings, germs or bacteria, didn't exist because they couldn't see them. Of course, now you have these humongous multimillion dollar microscopes hooked up to powerful computers in which a big monitor shows those germs in great detail.
Anyhow, doing such a survey today is totally impractical because every big city hospital lab and university has a powerful industrial strength microscope as part of its basic equipment. But back then, before it was invented, when the idea of such a device was as much fantasy as the fantasies I've daydreamed about when I was a kid.
Like Jesus told Doubting Thomas, blessed is He who sees not but believes.
Christian - God's Plan for the Redemption of Humankind. Here we connect to you, for your soul's everlasting life - To Jesus Christ, for His Kingdom, and for His Righteousness - all through articles.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Monday, December 25, 2017
Sentido Común: ¡ Húyele a la Fornicación !

Rivero, Patricia. 2017. "Día Mundial De Prevención Del Embarazo No Planificado En Adolescentes". A Todo Momento. Accessed December 25 2017.
No es por gusto que ese versículo Bíblico que cité de 1 Corinthians 6:18 lo contiene.
¿Crees que lo escribió el Apostol Pablo para que te sintieras culpable por tener sexo, eso que es tan rico?
Si es cierto que lo escribió para impedir que pudieras disfrutar del sexo, entonces porque escribio tambien el mismo auto, ese, el Apostol Pablo a las parejas casadas lo siguiente:
1 En cuanto a las cosas de que me escribisteis, bueno es para el hombre no tocar mujer. 2 No obstante, por razón de las inmoralidades, que cada uno tenga su propia mujer, y cada una tenga su propio marido. 3 Que el marido cumpla su deber para con su mujer, e igualmente la mujer lo cumpla con el marido. 4 La mujer no tiene autoridad sobre su propio cuerpo, sino el marido. Y asimismo el marido no tiene autoridad sobre su propio cuerpo, sino la mujer. 5 No os privéis el uno del otro, excepto de común acuerdo y por cierto tiempo, para dedicaros a la oración; volved después a juntaros a fin de que Satanás no os tiente por causa de vuestra falta de dominio propio. 6 Mas esto digo por vía de concesión, no como una orden. 7 Sin embargo, yo desearía que todos los hombres fueran como yo. No obstante, cada cual ha recibido de Dios su propio don, uno de una manera y otro de otra.
"1 Corintios 7 La Biblia De Las Américas". 2017. Bibliaparalela.Com. Accessed December 25 2017.¨7
Creo, me parece a mí, que la idea aquí es que el sexo no es un juegete con el cual uno se entretiene para matar al aburrimiento. Sin embargo muchos son lo que lo hacen y como consecuencia de ello, cosechan muchas malas consecuencias que resultan costosas.
Déjame mostrarle un ejemplo pésimo de lo que pasa:
Embarazo de adolescentes
(Redacción A Todo Momento) Datos que son alarmantes y que abren una ventana indispensable hacia el panorama del embarazo adolescente, un problema de todos reconocido pero pocas veces ubicado entre las preocupaciones sociales más urgentes. Todos los días hay unos 34 partos de madres cuyas edades van de los 12 a los 17 años. Representan el 13% de los alumbramientos totales en el país.
En el 2014, último año analizado a partir de los datos recopilados por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, las madres adolescentes, menores de 19 años, tuvieron 12.508 hijos. Muchas de ellas, como es de esperar, viven en zonas económicamente deprimidas, tienen baja escolaridad y escasas oportunidades de mejorarla, especialmente después del nacimiento de sus hijos.
La violencia doméstica es parte de la experiencia de muchas de ellas y, en ocasiones, las relaciones abusivas son causa del embarazo. El 12% de las madres con edades entre 12 y 19 años no reveló la identidad del padre y el porcentaje crece al 30% entre las menores de 14, en cuyo caso los padres podrían ser objeto de persecución penal.
En esas condiciones, las jóvenes madres y sus hijos corren el riesgo de perpetuar ciclos de pobreza y marginación a lo largo de generaciones.
En conclusion, la jóven adolescente jamás esta preparada para tener sexo hasta que crece y se casa.
Jurado, Antonieta. 2016. "Datos Sobre Los Embarazos De Los Adolescentes". A Todo Momento. Accessed December 25 2017.
English Translation of the Above:
Common Sense: Flee Fornication!
Rivero, Patricia. 2017. "World Day for the Prevention of Unplanned/Teenage Pregnancy". At Each Moment. Accessed December 25 2017.
It is not by pleasure that that Biblical verse that I quoted from 1 Corinthians 6:18 contains the admontion to flee from fornication.
Do you think the Apostle Paul wrote it to make you feel guilty for having sex, what is so pleasant?
If it is true that he wrote it to prevent you from enjoying sex, then why do you think he wrote the following to married couples:
1 As for the things of which you wrote to me, it is good for man not to touch a woman. 2 Nevertheless, because of immoralities, each one has his own wife, and each one has her own husband. 3 That the husband does his duty to his wife, and equally the woman complies with the husband. 4 The woman has no authority over her own body, but the husband. And likewise the husband has no authority over his own body, but the woman.
5 Do not deprive yourselves of one another, except by common consent and for a certain time, to devote yourselves to prayer; Then come back together so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
6 But this I say by way of concession, not as an order. 7 However, I wish that all men were like me. However, each one has received from God his own gift, one in one way and another in another.
"1 Corinthians 7 The Bible Of The Americas". 2017. Bibliaparalela.Com. Accessed December 25 2017.¨7
I think, it seems to me, that the idea here is that sex is not a game with which one is entertained to kill boredom. However, many are what they do and as a consequence, they harvest many bad consequences that are costly.
Let me show you a lousy example of what happens when such warnings are disregarded, this from an oline article about teenage girls in Venezuela who are pregnant and the dire aftermath that expects them:
Adolescent Pregnancy
(Writing at all times) Data that are alarming and that open an indispensable window towards the panorama of adolescent pregnancy, a problem of all recognized but rarely located among the most urgent social concerns. Every day there are about 34 deliveries of mothers whose ages range from 12 to 17 years. They represent 13% of total births in the country.
In 2014, Last year analyzed from the data compiled by the National Institute of Statistics and Census, adolescent mothers, under 19 years old, had 12,508 children. Many of them, as expected, live in economically depressed areas, have low schooling and little opportunity to improve it,
especially after the birth of their children.
Domestic violence is part of the experience of many of them and, sometimes, abusive relationships are the cause of pregnancy. 12% of mothers aged between 12 and 19 did not reveal the identity of the father and the percentage grows to 30% among those under 14,
in which case the parents could be subject to criminal prosecution.
Under these conditions, young mothers and their children run the risk of perpetuating cycles of poverty and marginalization over generations.
In the end, the best policy is to not have sex if you're not ready - single teenage girls, unmarried girls, are never ready to have sex. Ever - not until they marry and are old enough and mature enough.
Jury, Antonieta. 2016. "Data on Teenage Pregnancies". At all times. Accessed December 25 2017. http: // atodomomento.
com / opinion / data-about-adolescent-pregnancies/.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
The most faithful people in the Bible still had so many problems and sins. Why do you feel you can't be as faithful? - Rhetorical Jesus
The most faithful people in the Bible still had so many problems and sins. Why do you feel you can't be as faithful? - Rhetorical Jesus
I plead guilty at being so entangled by so many problems and sins myself.
I plead guilty at being so entangled by so many problems and sins myself.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
Morality -The Worst Sin’ is Doing Evil in God’s Name
| National Review
"Ravi Zacharias And Dennis Prager The Death Of Truth, The Decline Of Culture Q&A". 2017. Youtube. Accessed December 2 2017.
"Ravi Zacharias And Dennis Prager The Death Of Truth, The Decline Of Culture Q&A". 2017. Youtube. Accessed December 2 2017.
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