Friday, April 19, 2019

Look at Just how Unfair this Life is

The unfairness of life. So many of us complain that life is unfair to us when something that we did nothing to earn some hardship or some obnoxious situation befalls us. And the proverb that "No good deed goes unpunished," is at the heart of how unfair life is.

Life can be usually cruel to each one of us, and it is.

None of us asked to come into this world, and yet we come to this world, and unfortunately, we come into it born in sin on account of Adam's disobedience. That seems so unfair to me.

But so many of us, have sinned horrible, including me. My sins have been many. Some of them have been less wicked than others. I plead guilty. Lies I've told, women I had sex with and to whom I never married, things I've coveted that rightly belonged to others. And these, the ones I've just admitted to, have been among the least bad ones. Others I've committed, some of those others, I don't even remember nor want to remember.

According to God, even one of them is horrible enough to land me in the Lake of Fire for eternity. But I'll never see it nor experience it, nor enter it.


Because of how unfair this life is. How unfair it is that I, who deserve to perish and burn for all eternity, will never, ever pay that just price.

I will never pay that just, and very earned, penalty on account of how unfair, how horribly unfair this life is.

Someone paid for my sins. What's worse is that this someone never committed even one single sin. Not one.

And yet, this one person, the only person who never deserved to suffer for the sins of others, for the sins that I did, He paid the full price. He went through Hell for me. Literally. His beard got plucked with pliers, a crown of thorns was pressed down on his brow, his body was mutilated with countless strikes from a Roman soldier using the cat of nine tails whip. He was forced to carry that horrible and heavy cross down the Via Dolorosa to the hill of Golgotha. He was insulted, beaten, clubbed, spit upon, tortured, stripped naked which is the ultimate insult for a Jewish man, and then was nailed to that cross with spikes.

And hung there, and forgave all His enemies who stood and hurled insults at Him. Then He died. Then Longinus, a Roman centurion drove a spear into his side to make sure that He was really dead.

Two days later, He rose again from the dead with the resurrected body on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Not a single one of my countless sins against God was heavy enough to prevent His resurrection.

Not a single sin of anyone else could prevent His resurrection.

Then God the Father exalted Him. The Son is to be honored as much as the Father. He sits at the right hand of God the Father.

Jesus Christ is God the Son.

He is my God the Son. Yes, he died for my sins, and yes, I worship Him as I worship God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.