Monday, January 29, 2018

Cuba: Christian Man is Arrested, Told 'Our God is Fidel Castro' - Christian News Headlines

Cuba: Christian Man is Arrested, Told 'Our God is Fidel Castro' - Christian News Headlines

“Political police” allegedly beat a Cuban Christian man after his arrest last year for “pre-criminal social dangerousness,” according to a watchdog group’s report.

Watchdog group NGO Christian Solidarity Worldwide says that Misael Diaz Paseiro was arrested on Oct. 22. State security agents confiscated two bibles, crucifixes and five rosaries from his house.

"Misael, in addition to being a counter-revolutionary, you are also a Christian," CSW quoted a police official as telling Paseiro. "You should look at us, we are revolutionaries and we don't believe in your God. Our god is Fidel Castro."

"Cuba: Christian Man Is Arrested, Told 'Our God Is Fidel Castro'". 2018. Christianheadlines.Com. Accessed January 30 2018.