Friday, March 25, 2016

The Communist Takeover of America

Where do The Races Come From?

Race In The Bible: Did You Know The Bible Has A Race Chart?

The Tower of Babel and the Origin of the Nations


The Creation & Fall of Lucifer

Before Genesis - Lucifer's Fall from Heaven

The Ignorance Of The Black Muslim

Islam’s History And Doctrine Of International Slavery | The Muslim Issue

Islam’s History And Doctrine Of International Slavery | The Muslim Issue

(Video) Racism against blacks in Iraq: ‘Blacks are still viewed as inferior slaves, unimportant, useless objects’ | The Muslim Issue

(Video) Racism against blacks in Iraq: ‘Blacks are still viewed as inferior slaves, unimportant, useless objects’ | The Muslim Issue

Iceland: A culture moving beyond marriage -

Iceland: A culture moving beyond marriage -

At the beginning of everyone's decision to not follow Jesus or His teachings, but doing what feels good to you, it's going to naturally appear good. However, time is one heck of a litmus test, especially for the long term. The Icelanders collectively chose to lean on their own understanding of how things ought to be. I doubt that this decision will bode well for them in the long term.  Thank God that Iceland has a very tiny population. Thank God.