Saturday, September 28, 2024

What to Do with God when Your Life Feels Meaningless

 I don't understand what God created me for, or why I came into this world. It would have been better for me had he not made me, that I would have been spared from the bad side of this life.  

The above are thoughts that I thought every day as I had been going through a bad patch and was bitter. I had been born with a birth defect of my thyroid gland that mimicked mental illnesses.  Eventually, I got the treatment I needed at the Johns Hopkins Hospital back when I was 26.   I felt misunderstood, frustrated, and bitter.  I felt that my life was a mistake, an error.  

It had been this way for a long time, actually until this morning, me, at age 65. Then this morning, I saw the light. I did something new. I made a decision.  Since I had already decided that I would adopt God's perception of me as my own self-perception.  

As I had already engaged God for rejecting the spirit of rejection and self-rejection, I decided to do the same with my life's purpose and I did, as I will now tell.

I went before the throne of God in prayer.  I said, let my perception of my life's purpose, I told God in prayer, reflect your perfect will for me. Let my definition of my life's reason be determined by your purpose for me, what you will for my life, let that be then the definition of what my life means.  Then I remembered a verse by Jesus. It is that I can do nothing apart from Jesus Christ.  He is the vine and I am the branch.  So, not even defining my life and what it means is something that I can do apart from Jesus' participation in it. 

This is what it means to put God first in all that I do. I can do nothing for myself apart from God.  I don't need proud achievements to gloat about. If God wills me to do many little good things as a way to glorify Him and bless other people, let that be my purpose whether that is what I am to do for all the days of my life, or for a while only, until something else is in store for me, let me embrace that as my purpose then.

The important thing about all this is that I am not the only one who has the burden, this yoke, this existential vacuum.  Others have this too.  Let others learn of my example so that their lives have meaning and purpose. Let the relationship between God and each of them give them and their lives the meaning and definition they need their lives to have. He opened up my life from a life that I thought meant nothing to a fulfilled, and meaningful life. God makes all the difference. Don't go off on your own and try to define your life without putting God first. DON'

T listen to your ego, it will mislead your mind. Seek God first, his kingdom, his righteousness. Let those Godly treasures define your life.

Catholic Cardinal PREDICTS MASSIVE KAMALA DEFEAT: Blasts Harris for SKIP...

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Self-Awareness Side of Self-Improvement: 10 Signs to Recognize You Need Personal Growth

 Sarah sat at her desk, her shoulders tight, rubbing her temples. For weeks, she'd been snapping at her family, losing sleep over work decisions, and feeling this general, unexplained unease all the time. Her partner had gently suggested that she might be stressed, but Sarah brushed it off. It wasn't until a colleague mentioned mindfulness that Sarah paused to consider: Could she be missing something about herself?


This moment of reflection is often a turning point for many. Recognizing the signs of stress and discomfort can lead to profound personal growth. Although self-awareness is crucial for personal growth and well-being, many individuals struggle to recognize when they need to enhance this vital skill. Knowing such signs of lack of self-awareness is just the beginning of deeper self-understanding, better choices, quality relationships, and deepened emotional intelligence. Those signs include: dismissing concerns raised by loved ones about your mood or behavior, feeling uncomfortable with work decisions but unable to articulate why, to experiencing physical symptoms like tension and irritability without understanding why it is happening, among other signs, etc.


This article is written to understand and discuss the elements that makeup self-awareness, including signs when one lacks self-awareness and how to improve it. All these aspects of the elements will help an individual gain insight into their behavior and thought patterns, which will further lead to personal growth and well-being.



Dismissing concerns: You always dismiss any feedback from close ones regarding changes in mood or behavior as unimportant, never taking their observations seriously.


Work decision anxiety: You always feel apprehensive about decisions taken at work, and you cannot quite pinpoint, in fact, explain why you do this, meaning you don't reflect upon yourself.

Unexplained physical symptoms: You feel tense, irritable, or otherwise show physical signs of stress for which you don't know the cause. This would show that your mind and body are disconnected.


Work-life boundary problems: Boundaries between stressing work and personal life, especially allowing professional issues to unravel in free time and relationships, are difficult to draw.


Unproductive rumination: You frequently replay situations or choices made in the past, while making no new insights or learning anything from them-that is, and little productive self-reflection occurs.


Self-improvement avoidance: You avoid habits, like meditation or mindfulness, which would eventually lead to gaining high self-awareness because you are probably skeptical or afraid of introspection.


Coping strategy amnesia: You can't remember, when current problems arise, how you surmounted similar problems previously, implying a relative lack of personal awareness of your own resilience and problem-solving skills.


External validation dependence: You rely heavily on others' opinions to validate your actions or decisions, indicating a lack of trust in your own judgment and self-understanding.


Emotional pattern blindness: The inability to perceive recurring patterns of your feelings concerning stressors prevents you from learning relevant lessons and establishing better ways to handle emotions.


Unexplained unease: A lingering low level of discomfort or dissatisfaction with life or circumstances, without clearly being able to identify specific reasons, perhaps pointing to the need for deeper exploration on the part of the self.


As you might have gathered by now, from Dismissing concerns to experiencing Work decision discomfort to suffering Unexplained physical symptoms to struggling with Work-life boundary issues to engaging in Unproductive rumination, Avoidance of self-improvement, Coping strategy amnesia, External validation dependence, Emotional pattern blindness, and finally feeling Unexplained unease, these signs together point toward an emerging need for greater self-awareness.


Being able to recognize these signs within your life can often be the first step toward growth, better decision-making, and balance with fulfillment in life.


There is more to consider than what could be accommodated within the space of a single article such as this. Self-awareness is a multi-dimensional journey into a world of measures, techniques, and personal experiences beyond what we discussed here.


Some things can be predicted or forecast about moving forward into the future: ideas such as the importance of continuous self-reflection, the value of seeking honest feedback from others, and the benefits derived from practicing mindfulness. Self-awareness is an inherently personal and often times unpredictable journey.


It requires a commitment to ongoing learning, openness to new experiences, and the courage to face uncomfortable truths about oneself. As we walk down this path, let us remember that self-awareness is a lifetime process of growth and discovery, not a destination in itself.